Friday, June 19, 2009

another new look

ok Ladies I know they say not to make a lot of changes in your life when you already have a lot going on BUT I needed a new look.

My "silver" was coming out and I needed it touched up. So we did a cut, color and highlight....

Here is the before:

And the after:

What do you think???


  1. I love it! That cut is super cute! You are a hottie ;)


  2. It is adorable!! I think the "silver" must have something to do with the industry we work it because I have a ton too!

  3. It is adorable! I think the "silver" must have something to do with the industry we work in! I have TONS!!

  4. I love it! It looks so great with your face shape!

  5. Oh, I love it! You're inspiring me to go get a cute summer cut with your new look!

  6. You look so good! This haircut looks great on you and it's so stylish! YOU ARE AMAZING! LOVE YOU!

  7. OMG I LOVE IT! LOVE LOVE LOOOOVVEE IT! You look so stinkin cute!!

  8. Beautiful!! The shorter hair really suits you!! I hope you're doing well. Thinking of and praying for you!

  9. you know i love it!!!! like i love you!

  10. Love the new cut it looks great on you! That is exactly what I want and everyone talks me out of it everytime! Hope everything is going okay!

  11. oh my gosh! so cute! love it!

    loving the new blog/layout too :)
